Sunday 20 October 2013

Life is like a page In the book of history

Life is Like a Page in the Book of History 

If there is a white paper on the street
Different minds think in different ways
One ignores it
And someone throws it into dustbin
But some makes an aeroplane
And one makes it black
By placing meaningful words
With experience or with knowledge
A beautiful art on it
By a special skillful mind
Every mind is special
But all are with equal strength

Here, life is like a page
In the book of history
But a chance given by god
That you can use yourself good
And you can write yourself
Latter, your life become a page
And it will be placed on streets of history
Then your life may be ignorable page
And may be thrown into dustbin
If there is no use with you
Your page may be placed in the library
If only your page is filled with meaning full words
And with knowledge
You may be treated as scientist
If your page is an experiment
You may be stated as an artist
If your page filled with full of colours
You may be treated as a warrior
If your page wet with blood for them
You may be a great leader
If your page guides them to better future
You may be become god
If your page solves s their religious doubts


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