Tuesday 14 June 2011

Working of AIM using internet

Artificial intelligence machine (AIM)
Using Internet
Deportment of Computer Applications, SNIST,

A large amount data is available in the internet and that data is increasing day by day. We know that there is no effective use with raw data. So that acquiring knowledge from that data is important and it is not so difficult to a man to gain knowledge by reading the data that available in the internet but it is a time consuming task. To a machine it is a challenge to gain knowledge from the internet but if it succeeds it reduces the user time. And it is must an efficient machine to achieve this and as well as it should having with a good architecture. This paper discus about how to acquire the knowledge from the internet by a machine called Artificial Intelligence Machine (AIM).  And architecture is proposed in this paper to gain the knowledge from the internet by a machine.
Today’s world has several raw data in the internet and it is important to use that data effectively. To gain knowledge from those data available in the internet is time consuming to a man and it is difficult task to a machine. A very intellectual machine is needed to gain knowledge from the internet and as well as it must be useful to interact with the human being. To achieve this, a good architecture is needed. This paper is attempted to give a proposal of architecture of artificial intelligence machine (AIM). And this machine should be gain knowledge from the internet and that knowledge should be stored in the knowledge base. When the user needs information from the internet he can able to go by the artificial intelligence machine. Then the machine gains the knowledge from the internet and then gives it to the user in the suitable output mode, the output may be in voice, in visual, in audio or in the combination of all, which is comfortable to the user or if there it is must to use the output component it is used by the machine. For example if the user wants to see the image of a banana tree it will show on the screen. This machine should have to give the correct information to the user without or with less errors to achieve this, the proposed machine utilizes the features of data mining and as well as the techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  
Architecture of AIM
The following figure illustrate about the Architecture of AIM, which contains several components those placed in the diagram. Input receiver receives the information from the user it allows the information in any type of format like audio, voice, text, image etc. and that input received from the user is converted into the text format this text format will be sent to Question Generator (QG). And question generator generates all possible questions and it interacts with the search engine and as well as with the AI section in the process of answering the question. Checks for the answer firstly in the AI section and then proceeds according to the result received from the AI section. Question Generator is an important component in machine because effective search is an important task to answer the question.
Artificial intelligence machine Architecture
Question Generator generates the questions by adding who, whom, where, when how, why etc. according these questions the searching process will be done. Search engine gets the questions from the question generator according these questions the search will be done by the search engine. And the search engine searches about the information in the internet. All the search result will be given to the information repository. And that store the information temporarily. This information will be analyzed by data mining engine. The useful information gained by data mining engine is converted into facts and rules in the AI section then these facts and rules will be stored into knowledge base. Wait component stores the questions temporarily. If it is necessary it interacts with AI program. AI program gives the result to the QG and as well as to the output section. And output section gives the output to the user in selected format.            
Working with AIM
Machine is designed to accept the questions from the user in any format and this input is converted into text format later. The input receiver receives the question in any mode/format and then it converts into text mode as mentioned above. Let us suppose a user asked a question to the machine. Who was the father of first prime minister of India? In the text format the input receiver takes it as an input and then it sends to Question Generator. If it is in another format converts it into text format and sends it to QG.QG divides the input into all possible questions in the example the questions will like,
i.                    Who was first prime minister of India?
And from i we can get X.
ii.                  Who was father of X?
Here we can get two cases one is discuss about how the answering procedure done by using already existed facts and second case illustrate how answering  to the questions by using the internet. In the second information got from the internet is converted into facts and then by using those facts answering is done.
Then first question sent to the AI section here the question will converted into AI form
It is given to the AI program as a goal and the program finds the solution to X. Here X is solved by using existed facts and rules. X is sent to the Question Generator (QG). Then QG is updates the second question. Then second question will become like below if X=Jawaharlal Nehru.   
Who was the father of Jawaharlal Nehru?
QG sends the updated second question to the AI section again and it will convert it into AI form in the AI section. The converted form is like below.
Father _of(Jawaharlal_Nehru,Y)
And then above fact is send to the AI program as a goal and it tries to solve value of Y by using existed facts and rules. If Y is solved the value of Y is return to output section and then the output section converts the output into user required format like audio or image. AI program sends the signal SUCCESS as a result. But there is a possibility to find no solutions to X and Y. If the AI system fails to solve the X it initially sends the result NORESULT to question generator. Then QG goes  for case 2,which searches about the result in the internet. About case2 is explained in the below. In this situation these two questions are stored in the wait section.
Rounded Rectangle: Wait:

Storing the two questions in the wait state
  In the second situation we got the solution to the first question but not for the Y.If the AI system fails to solve Y result NORESULT to Y with solved X will send to QG then QG enters case 2 with question. We know that value of X then QG proceeds with X value to find value of Y
We got it from the AIprogram and QG enters to case 2 with second question like below.
Who was the father of Jawaharlal Nehru?
In this situation only second question will stored in the wait section

Rounded Rectangle: Wait

Storing the second question in the wait state

If result is NORESULT from the AI machine then Questions Generator sends the question to the search Engine as keywords. In this section search engine performs searching in the internet. The search engine searches in the World Wide Web and gives the search result to information repository here all the search results will be stored temporarily. From this information repository the useful information is retrieved by using data mining techniques and it send to AI section. In this section all the useful information gained from the mined data will be converted into facts and rules these facts and rules are stored in the knowledge base.

For example we got the information like below
Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India and he was also first central minister for external affairs. His father was Mothilal Nehru and his daughter was Indira priya dharshini.
The above information is converted into facts like below
These facts will be stored in the knowledge base and then tries to answer the questions in the wait section If succeed to answer the questions result will be send to the output section then there the output will converted into required format and gives to the user. And sends success signal to the QG then it stops the process of searching.
 If the knowledge base fails to solve the questions that are in the wait section then AI program sends signal FAIL to QG and then repeats the search with different way and continues the process for several times if require and if the time is expired to solve the question given by the user sends EXPIRE signal to the QG and SORRY to the user.     
To reduce the error rate it still important to develop the architecture and it is important to increase the efficiency of the system. Then only the artificial Intelligence Machine becomes more users friendly. To make the system very efficient it is must that system should generically answer to all kinds of questions. But it is sometimes difficult to answer the questions related to science and mathematics so that it is still a challenge. And sometimes the related information may not available in the internet. Sometimes it may possible in the internet there is false information and it is difficult to analyze the system to recognize about false information.